Home of IT Professionals

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It’s All About
Ones and Zeroes

Advanced Software Technology International Limited takes a fresh new approach to app & web development, branding and design, animations, machine learning and artificial intelligence, business strategy, and makes sure your business stands out in the crowd.

Our Objectives

We plan to undertake all businesses relating to the provision of Electronic Commerce and software development or IT enabled services including web application development, mobile application development, software testing, and quality assurance, banking solutions, image processing and posting, online trading platforms for all sorts of commodities, and software-based training.

This is only the beginning.

Great experiences have the power to inspire, transform, and move the world forward. And every great experience starts with creativity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support companies and help them through innovative technology and design. We blend creative and pragmatic experience working with leaders to integrate app and web development, branding and design, animations, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in the most intuitive way possible. The result?

Measurable and meaningful impact.

Message from our Managing Director

I wonder how our lives have changed with Information Technology. It has removed the physical barriers between nations and connected them through shared ideas and opportunities. Technology is evolving very rapidly. Al, Automation and other advancements in IT especially, set the stage for more technological evolution. Robotics is becoming smarter. Several emerging economies all over the world are now setting new records by strengthening their competence in this field.

The true purpose of AST International Limited is to provide innovative and sustainable IT solutions. Presently we are working with the app and web-based solutions but we are prepared to extend our field and explore other options as well. We are building the platform to support the young talents for creating innovative ideas and also provide required services to the clients in a better way and professional manner.

Our core values are honesty, sincerity, and punctuality. We maintain a congenial environment in our office where everyone can enjoy the freedom of work and mutual respect.

We intend to develop a company for all, a home of IT professionals. Thank you for visiting our website, your suggestions are always welcome.